Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Olive oil is fresh fuel, not fossil fuel, not petroleum

Nature creates carbon sinks

Throughout time, nature creates carbon sinks which are burried carbon in the earth. There is a large debate going on right now regarding human contribution to global warming caused by excess carbon dioxide and other pollutants in our atmosphere. climate change

Olive Oil Lamps leave no carbon footprint
a subtle but profound path to a peaceful world. JUST follow the links below and THEN CONTACT

Inexpensive Olive oil lamps are available from and can be viewed by going to Oil Lamps at Lehman’s or, contact Merry Corliss at: GOATELDER@AOL.COM mention olive oil lamps in subject bar.

Olive oil is non-Petroleum fuel which is made anew each year by a tree using sunlight soil and water! It is not fossil fuel. Living vegetation which produces this and other vegetable oils is growing on the planet now. This vegetation consumes CO2. This is why we say, Olive Oil Lamps leave no carbon foot print. Candles and all kerosene fuels are made of petroleum. There is of course bee's wax, but currently we are experiencing some odd bee behavior, and some think we'd best keep their housing together.

LINKS to other sites discussing the burning of olive oil http://oliveoillamps.blogspot.com/

There's many uses for olive oil lamps

Burning olive oil shows good taste

Olive oil when burned in a properly designed lamp produces a wonderfully bright and odorless flame. Once a person learns about and masters the art of wicking pure, non-toxic olive oil it will become the flame of choice. It is safer than candles and regular oil lamps too. Olive oil is not a flash fuel, so if a lamp is tipped over, the oil will most likely dowse the flame out. They are more practical than candles. Candles once burned are gone whereas a lamp endures. It needs only be re trimmed and it's ready to burn again once a little olive oil is added. They are also economical. 2 ounces of olive oil burns for many hours and when the cost is compared to candles they are as or more economical. Olive oil used as fuel can be the cheapest olive oil a person can find. Even rancid oil burns quite well and produces a clean odorless flame with a properly trimmed wick.

Burning olive oil starts you out on a new way of thinking about things, and connects you with others who care about the ugly carbon footprint mankind has left by recklessly burning fossil
fuel when nature has given us the Sun and The Mother earth and all that comes from this wonderful relationship which is the source of all life and everything else we rely on as humans.